At the Baptist Church of West Chester, you’ll find a church that is committed to Christ Centered Living, Unbiased Hospitality, Responsive Service, and Authentic Community.
On Sundays, we worship together at 10 AM in person and via livestream. Our Sunday service begins at 10am. It is a blended service to include traditional and contemporary worship. We host a weekly free brunch after service on Sunday at 11 AM. We also host a Saturday breakfast each week at 8 AM. This breakfast has served our community for 40 years. Click here for parking and directions.
In Sunday worship, you’ll find modern worship music led by our praise band, classic hymns led by our organist and song leaders, preaching from the Scripture that engages with our daily spiritual life, and a family atmosphere. Childcare is provided for infants and toddlers. Kids engage with our Kids for Christ class each Sunday after they worship with their families for the first portion of the worship service
Throughout the history of our church, we have sought to be an open and welcoming body to all with whom we interact both within and beyond the walls of the church building, exercising and extending unbiased hospitality. This practice is not based on political climate, but rather rooted in the heart of the Gospel and the nature of the Church. The Apostle Paul made it clear that in Christ there is no room for discrimination (Galatians 3:28). Peter said that if God has declared a person clean, we cannot call them unclean (Acts 10:28). Through the generations we have embraced broad diversity of interpretation of scripture knowing that we gather not around disputable matters (Romans 14:1), but around the person of Christ. As such, we recognize that faithful believers interpret the scriptures differently. As the Church of Jesus Christ, we are united not by our adherence to a particular set of doctrinal beliefs, but by the Holy Spirit and our commitment to follow Jesus Christ and obey the New Commandment to love one another as Christ has loved us.
And so, in the tradition of non-discrimination and faithfulness to the Body of Christ, in all facets of the life and ministry of BCWC, including but not limited to membership, baptism, ordination, marriage, teaching, and committee/organizational leadership, we will not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, nationality, or economic class. This is what it means to be the church, that is, diverse and respectful of God’s unique work in the life of every member. This is consistent with and a reflection of our Mission Statement: transforming lives through Christ by building positive connections in a diverse community.
Core Values
Christ Centered Living, Unbiased Hospitality, Responsive Service, Authentic Community
Mission Statement
Transforming lives through Christ, by building positive connections in a diverse community
Kids and Students
You’ll find ministry for babies, kids, and students at BCWC! In our sanctuary, we also have a “Grace Space” for families in our Sanctuary with toys and books. On Sundays, Nursery care is provided for infants through two-year-olds. Three-year-olds through 5th grade engage in the first part of the worship service through a children’s message and then head to age specific classes. Our Youth Group meets from 11:30-12:30 on Sundays.
Life Groups
Connect and grow through one of the many life groups offered
Our Church Covenant | Adopted in 1834
The Church receives the Bible as our basis of faith, doctrine and practice. As a summary of principles for Christian conduct among its members, it adopts the following Church covenant which will be reviewed at least annually in the context of the worship experience.
We, having as we trust experienced the grace of God in our hearts, agree now solemnly to give ourselves to one another, in the bands of a holy covenant according to the will of God. And we agree that we will love one another as the Master has commanded, for it is written, "By this shall all know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
We agree to watch over each other for good; to admonish and warn, to counsel and reprove as occasion may require, in the spirit of meekness and Christian tenderness; and also to comfort, console, encourage, and animate each other under every circumstance, and to do all that our obligations as Christians bind us to perform towards each other. We promise to maintain to the utmost of our ability the public worship ofGod. We agree to abstain from all those practices which are positively prohibited by the Gospel, and to avoid all those evils which oppose themselves to the spirit of the Gospel and the general tenor of the Word of God. We agree to discharge all those duties, whether private or public, which the great Head of the Church has enjoined upon us, and especially to keep the ordinances of the Lord's House as they were delivered to the primitive saints.
Finally, we agree to observe the regular appointments of the Church, whether for worship or for business, and we will use all proper and legitimate means to induce others to attend upon the worship of God also. These things will we do, the Lord helping us by His grace, and we fervently pray that He who has begun a good work in us will be with us in all of our journeys to whom be glory and honor and dominion forever.